In 1981, to coincide with Sony’s 35th anniversary, the company looked out to an international community of designers to crowdsource a new logotype. In this post, read the about the competition and see the three finalists’ designs.
“We asked the world of designers to design our future and enter the Sony International Logotype Design Contest commemorating our 35th anniversary. The response to our call for entries was tremendous. We received 29,883 entries from the United Kingdom, Europe, North and South America, Japan and Asia.”
“A special committee was formed to screen all the entries which were evaluated on the basis of originality, imagination, design concept and legibility. Fifty-nine were chosen out of the initial entries and presented to the Sony Board of Directors, top management, designers, sales managers and the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Akio Morita. Out of the fifty-nine entries, nine were chosen for final judging, and three were selected as the top three finalists. These three entries were submitted by Mr. Vilim Vasata of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Bruno Grasswill of Australia, and Mr. Fred Burton of the United States. However, it was the decision of the judges that there was no clear first, second or third place winner and that the prize money should therefore be divided equally the three finalists.”
“To the three and all the other designers who participated in the design contest, we at Sony say, thank you. Your response to our call for entries was most gratifying. And until the time comes in the future that we decide to make a change, the Sony logo will remain the same and continue to represent our commitment to innovative thinking and quality products. Again. Thank you all.”
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LogoArchive Website – Searchable historical logo archive and research tool.
LogoArchive Shop – Vintage design books and LogoArchive Zines.
BP&O – Contemporary design editorial.